I’m not sure it’s true that “largely privatized health delivery systems might be more suitable for accomodating assisted dying than socialized ones”. That may have been true in years past, when insurers were less activist in their efforts to avoid paying for things; but in today’s marketplace, insurers have mastered the dark art of delay and deny. At least in a socialized system, there could (emphasis on “could”) be a citizen panel for oversight. Private insurer oversight is from accountants and “medical directors”.
I’m not sure it’s true that “largely privatized health delivery systems might be more suitable for accomodating assisted dying than socialized ones”. That may have been true in years past, when insurers were less activist in their efforts to avoid paying for things; but in today’s marketplace, insurers have mastered the dark art of delay and deny. At least in a socialized system, there could (emphasis on “could”) be a citizen panel for oversight. Private insurer oversight is from accountants and “medical directors”.
But, I should add - great post!